Like An American

Monday, May 26, 2014

 Happy Memorial Day!
No, I do not have an awesome sale to share with you... (except for the fact that all shoes on are $50 just today, rejoice!) But I today while taking these photos I totally felt like Lana Del Rey haha she's amazing. So likewise, her song "American" was stuck in my head the entire time...
Today we remember all of the strong and powerful men and women who fought for our country. Although I do not have anyone particularly close to me who has fought or served in the war... for all who did and do, thank you. You and your families are so brave. With love, and pride, thank you.
outfit details: shirt - thrifted // bottoms - American Apparel Swimwear // top - Target Swimwear

I hope everyone had a good Memorial Day! xoxolivia


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