Friday, April 25, 2014

Hey guys! One of my all time favorite bloggers, Izzy from Views of Now started her own little mini project called #ilovemyselfie! It's a super cute, motivational reminder that even the smallest of quirks people have make them beautiful. We should all love ourselves (I know I do!) We only have one self, so we might as well love it! And what a better way to show the love through social media?! (mwahah tehehehe) 

Here are all the actual selfies that I took during this video, none of them are edited or anything because I mean why love something that isn't 100% true beauty, no matter how corny my faces are.. haha... 
SO! Post a photo of yourself (a selfie!) on Instagram or twitter or facebook or whatever your social media outlit for posting selfies is... But tag me and use the #ilovemyselfie, then we can all share the love! Here is my instagram.
Love y'all! xoxolivia.

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