Words With Sunday + Chapter 17

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Erg... so no brunch today, I slept over at Ally's house so I didn't make it home in time for brunch and still have time for homework (Um I'm sorry this modern world research paper?!) (It's okay, mine is pretty good *pats myself on the back*) So I just did an outfit shooting... OMG! And brunch wont happen next week because of Austin! Maybe we can do a Words With Saturday.... hehehehe
I am absolutely going crazy for this spring weather. I hope it isn't too good to be true! But if it is, I am savoring these bitter sweet moments and taking advantage of not only the perfect "pre-pollen" weather, but the outfits that come with it!! This is pretty much my warm weather uniform... sandals, a big floppy hat and overalls. always. 
overalls // thrifted, Gap
shirt (worn under my overalls) // american eagle (super old)
plaid button up shirt // thrifted
hat // not sure...
shoes // vintage (real snake skin oooooh!!)
earrings // gifted
I feel like I shouldn't even bother writing where my things are from because practically everything is forever 21 or thrifted or vintage... I mean let's be real here...
I leave for Austin in exactly ONE WEEK! well.... Sunday at 4 am. ugh.
But I am beyond excited for weather like this, yet warmer!! Oh the bliss :) We will have so much fun :) 
Okay question...? Do yall like photos or videos for trips more? I think I like a mix but I don't want to over use or do the same photos or footage, ya know what I mean? So input: should I make an Austin video + post daily photos?? Or just a video? Or just photos? please comment!! xoxolivia

1 comment:

  1. daily photos and a video!!! Your blog post's always look great!!!


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