Saturday, September 7, 2013

I haven't had just a fun outfit post / photoshoot post in a long time. 
I had such a fun filled weekend after a long and fabulous first week back to school! 
In celebration of completing week one of many my best friends and I all got together and had a sleepover party! Well more or less watched a movie and ate pizza and nutella..... Surprisingly, last night was the first non birthday sleepover that we have had with all four of us, it was so fun! There is always a reason why we can't have a sleepover, either Katie and I have rehearsal, Ally is in New Jersey or Joanna is swimming! I hope there are more chances this year for us to all get together again :)

So! I know you are just DYING to know how my first week of school went, right? Right?! AM I RIGHT?!! Oh well I know I'm right so here it is. 
My first week was:
boom, if you ever have to describe school in one word- educational. 

But really, school was really fun, I love coming back and seeing everyone all summer sun kissed tan, hair cuts and height changes, the summer evolution of a teenage girl. I like all of my classes, especially french and math. I am so excited for our acapella group, Censations to start again, they are holding auditions for hopeful new comers this week! Oh! And I also tried out for Saints Singers, which is a choir combined with St. Christopher's and St. Catherine's... OHHH BOYSSS!!! I have a feeling this will be a great year! I will of course keep you posted on everything!

Now back to this photoshoot......

I know it's a lot of photos.... but Whoohoo! 
Ally took these photos of me (thanks Ally)

top // I stole it from Ally ;)
jeans // F21
booties // Old Navy
socks // gifted
necklace // C'est my mother's
hat // also Ally's

I'm so SO excited for fall!
the colors
the cool air
the clothes!
snuggling c:
halloween =^.^=
and oh so many other things :)

I hope the beginning of everyone's school year is going great!
It's time to get cozy and cuddly because fall is 'acoming!


  1. oh olivia you are so so pretty! this outfit is perfection! and the photos are wonderful, great job! and its lovely to meet you!thanks so much for linking up to passion for fashion, hope you'll join us again on friday xx

  2. Gorgeous photos! Love this outfit, especially the booties and cute hat!
    Found you through Rachel's link-up!


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