One Last Day

Monday, March 25, 2013

And you know what that means...
no school!
I am so happy not only to be off from school, but I got one last day with Emma before she leaves on Tuesday. 
And check out the final product of our hair
For more Ombré inspo, check out

I love it when Emma comes home, I miss her so much when ever she is gone. 

Isn't she just so beautiful



One of our dogs, Tucker


Little Baby Glove lalala

Ombre Hair! 
Normally Emma has long hair but she died the tips blue and decided to change it so she chopped it off!
My hair has never been longer than it is now. 


I am really glad that our hair worked out, it looks super cute. My hair isn't always this curly, but with the ombre it looks best curled. 

Sisters forever and ever!

1 comment:

  1. Tyraaaaaa holla ;)March 26, 2013 at 3:58 PM

    favorite post by far, you both are beauty queens<3 let's hang soon sistersister and prof pic one of these! lovveeee


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