Monday, January 21, 2013

"It don't matter if you're black or white..." Said by ever so famous Michael Jackson, and he spoke the truth not only in his songs but also in the color of his skin. We went from black to white, now that is a statement. You know who else made a statement? Martin Luther King Jr. He had a dream that one day we would all come together and be accepted as one and not the little things like the color of our skin or gender. Today to honor that, I worked as a community with the Boys and Girls Club.
We played games, did crafts, and bonded. A lot of the children from the Boys and Girls Club are underprivileged. We didn't all look the same, we didn't have the same skin tone or hair style, but we all worked together, and that's just what Dr. King wanted. Not only a day well spent, but a day set up for a lifetime, I learned a lot about helping others, and coming together as a community. I would have never thought that I would become friends with these children, Dr. King talked about meeting strangers and how you would never know or even think to go up to them until you do. Thank you Dr. King for letting us come together and except our differences and treat them with equality. In loving memory. 

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