Five To Six Minuets Please

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

     Last night I was asked to write a speech from six to five min long. The speech was going to be read in chapel. It was a speech about my thoughts on MLK and my experience at the HandsOn activity on Monday. But then in the morning they said that they only had time for all the speakers for five min {together} So in that case I read last and just read my conclusion. But if you are interested, this is my original speech. 

A long time ago, August 28th was just another day. That was until Martin Luther King Jr. made it a day we will forever remember, a day of hope. Dr. King read a speech in front over two hundred fifty thousand people about segregation and accepting the equality of others rights. And now I do the same for you, but just in front of our Upper School, shorter and possibly less empowering.
On Monday, two days ago, also knows as Dr. King’s birthday, I got the opportunity to meet with the Boys & Girls club, and some other kids from different schools. Headed to the Science Museum at 9:30 in the morning, we came together as a community and all cooperated in a HandsOn day of activities. We did things as simple as icebreakers, to  making office supplies for those without jobs or homes. The other kids kept me entertained and the activities kept my mind open to thinking of all the possibilities and dreams that I have yet to realize.
When I first arrived, the setting practically spoke Dr. Kings words. While we waited to start activities, the room was separated into “categories” for example all the freshmen were together, and within that group were the freshmen friends. I’m guilty, if I said I walked through that door and started socializing with strangers I’d be lying. I stood awkwardly in a circle with my friends. On the other side of the room stood the same thing, Kids from the other schools in circles, of the few people they really wanted to socialize with. Dr. King wanted us to come together despite our differences, even strangers. A famous quote by Dr. King, “Men often hate each other because they fear each other, they fear each other because they do not know each other, they do not know each other because they can’t communicate. They can’t communicate because they are separated.” This quote stood out to me that day, all day. In the morning, we hesitated to go up to other people because we were afraid to communicate, or in Dr. Kings words, we can’t communicate. But since you never know until you try... why don’t we? We shouldn’t hesitate to talk to someone or try something new. Needless to say we should be comfortable in our own skin, and break the barrier of separation. Once everyone got geared up we were set into groups by our birthday month. And though I was with my January 28th twin Ally Godfrey, I’m glad they set us apart, because if they let us choose, I would have stayed in my comfort zone.  
In our groups, “Group Llama” to be specific, we received passports, like this one. It had our various activities, plan for the day, and a picture of Group Llama on the inside. Above the photo is a quote, “Everybody can be great, because everybody can serve.” said by none other than Dr. Martin Luther King jr. That’s what we did. We served, put things together for less fortunate people and even animals. We helped others.
My two favorite activities, were fun crafts that had a deeper meaning behind them. Everyone at the program took part in making a painting of Dr. King. It was made up of all the participants finger prints, we fingerprinted a community. Each and every thumbprint, colliding and coming together to make one bigger picture, literally. We were a family supporting each other, individuals, collaborating as one, one community.
There was another station, where we had the option to either make icicles or paint a tree. The icicles would hang from the tree at a party. A pretty decoration, but people won't look far enough to realize that making the icicles, every one looked similar, but was different. With different edges or points, they were like individuals all hanging from the same tree, looking pretty, together.  
At the end of the day, I left wanting more. Wishing there were a way that I could lend another hand, and enjoy the service I gave to the community. There always is another way. And you don’t have to sign up for it. Everyday we live in a world where people are still discriminated by the way they look, act, or where we come from. If knowing what we know now, why do we continue to let it be that way? We really shouldn’t, in that case, reach out, think like Dr. King and tell yourself,  “I can make a difference just by the way I walk out of the door today, actions speak louder than words, and I plan to let mine do just that.” I hope you will too.

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