Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Dress- Flagpole

HELLO! I've been busy, busy, BUSY lately!! But no use in making excuses, I'm here blogging now and that's all that matters! SO HI! How are you, how's your dog? How's your grandma? How's your pinky toe? Mine? I've got a blister from walking so gosh darn much in this city, but other than that it's all good!

Today I got the AWESOME opportunity to go to The Color Factory with Flagpole (where I'm interning this summer) with the other interns and we had the ABSOLUTE BEST TIME! It was SO much fun, and me being the color queen that I am, I was having a total field day in there. I didn't realize it would be as guided as it was but it was surprisingly very organized and for how many people were there, it wasn't terribly congested, we even got some rooms to ourselves!
The experience started off with rainbow macaroons, which of course I could NOT resist! I had a BLUE vanilla one! They were so delicious, I'm an absolute sucker for macaroons, I can never get them to rise correctly when I bake them though, any tips?
Each room was either sponsored by a company or inspired by an artist, this room had to do with the study of sound and I want to say synesthesia? Correct me if I'm wrong Color Factory goers, but I'm pretty sure that was the deal. Very cool! The cacophony of sound was somewhat overwhelming but somehow sounded good together, regardless if it was a reckless child banging on the little chimes, or someone actually jamming out a beat. It was fun!
This room was COOL! It was basically a color personality quiz that you can see in my video once I publish that, didn't get any photos, and then you were led into a dark room where then a flash took your photo and your color personality was revealed! No surprise I got this pinky purple :-) As you can see from the photo I was SHOCKED by the flash! haha!! My reaction is in the photo, I literally screeched!
THE DANCING QUEEN ROOM! We had SO much fun in here, we were basically alone, except for when Emily accidentally got in the back of someones photo and she got yelled at in Russian... yikes, just tryna have fun here... Dancing around on this floor was amazing, where are the clubs like this? I need to live out my Lorde, Green Light fantasy for reals!!
Love this!
Something else cool that they do, we each got little QR Code cards where we could scan, take group photos, and then they would be emailed to us! They really thought of everything here!
RIP my stollen bike, I hope this is what bike heaven looks like and she's there thriving, being her best little bike angel self. Love you buddy
THE BALL PIT! What the Color Factory is pretty much known for I'd say, it was GIANT and SO fun! There were moments where we literally could not stand up just because you know, balls, but it was such a blast, we were in there for so long just jumping around, having a BALL! :-) Also apparently they clean it ball by ball with a fancy ball vacuum so germaphobes calm yourselves, it was clean (ish)
The intern crew! Dana and Emily :-)
This installation was right at the entrance, SO pretty, SO many colors and made out of paper too! I would love something like this in my house or at my wedding one day! TOO cool!
We love a blurry photo almost as much as we love Dana and Emily! I seriously lucked out with having these gals on my team, they're the sweetest ever! Dana actually also went to SCAD and just graduated, we have a lot of mutual friends, what a small world!!
And that's it! There were many more rooms not pictured here, you've just got to go to see them for yourself! Overall, today was SUCH a blast! I'm so grateful for this job and all the fun opportunities it has brought me like this! Thank you Flagpole and THANK YOU Color Factory for such a spectacular day!

I will do my best to post on here more, I have been work work working so much since being here it feels like time is just flying by! I am only in New York for about three weeks more, not even! Where has the summer gone? Anyway, thanks for hanging out! I'll see y'all soon I promise ;-)

xo, O