Thursday, May 9, 2019

HELLO! Good Morning! It's been a few weeks now since Paris, but I am FINALLY ready to share it all with you! I just have so many photos that I think it's best to split it up into two parts, one of the weekend before our school trip that I spent with Saunders, and then the second part of the week with my school! It was a jam packed trip, I had a fantastic time and seriously need to get back soon!! Let's get into it.
We started our weekend with a classic french petit dejeurner, or breakfast. It was SO good. All the breads, all the coffees, all the eggs, yes PLEASE! The café we went to was so cool too, the ceiling was covered with dried flowers. I wish I got a better photos of it, but you'll just have to take my word for it.
We next went to the Rodin Museum which I loved. All of Rodin's sculpture are so beautiful, so passionate and lovely. Big fan here, big fan. We also got the chance to sit in the sculpture out back where I did some sketching. That has been one of my favorite things since being here, the ability to really slow down and just sit and sketch. Something I'm excited to being back with me once I'm home.
We scootered to the Eiffel Tower!! Riding around on the Lime scooters has to be one of my favorite things that we did in Paris. We scooted for a very long time until we would up at the Eiffel Tower. It was even more beautiful in person!
Next Saunders and I went to this SUPER cool artist collective colony type place called 59 Rivoli, where artists with all different styles, working in every medium imaginable had their own open studio space free for spectators to walk through and gather inspiration! It was a chaotic space, but every corner was full of art, most definitely gathered heaps of inspiration while there.
We next took the metro to Bellview where we were able to get a good view of Paris from pretty high up! We got a bunch of Haribo gummies that we got at a self service Haribo stand, believe it or not, yes that does exist, and yes, you can have too much of a good thing... We ate Haribos until we felt sick, I don't recommend that. But! I do recommend sitting in the sun and watercoloring the beautiful flowers around us. The park was really so beautiful
We ended off the day with sitting along the Seine sipping rosé at sunset, it doesn't get much Parisian than that. Seeing the Eiffel Tower sparkle for the first time was so magical. Something that Saunders said never gets old, I believe it!
It's day two! We watched the marathon first thing while eating croissants and fritters, seeing all the runners while indulging did feel a little backwards hahaha. We then walked all the way to Pigalle which felt like something like an hour to get to Pink Mamma. There happened to be a long long line but by the power of just being a party of two and also devilishly beautiful we got a table right away! Hooray! This truffle pasta, dear god, so good. 10/10 recommend going to Pink Mamma if you're in Paris!
We next walked up the street to the Pigalle Courts where I intended on getting some photos for a post but wasn't able to due to the intense basketball playing! People actually playing basketball on a basketball court?! The audacity of some people, ugh!
We walked up to Sacré Coeur which is actually the highest point in all of Paris, there was a beautiful view, but unfortunately it was just SO packed, we shuffled through the streets like sardines, it just wasn't as enjoyable as it could have been. Nonetheless, Sacré Coeur was still beautiful.
We went home for a little break and then went out to see the Notre-Dame. We went to the back where it was less crowded. There was a guitarist playing a somewhat spooky tune. The moment was still, the music was eery and beautiful, and that was one of the last times I saw the Notre-Dame before it burned down. I'll never forget this moment.
After that we went to The Mosque for some pastries and such before heading to dinner at La Félicita  which was SO good! This space was unlike anywhere I've ever been, so much neon, great music and decor, the food was fantastic, all around good vibes. Go here if you get the chance!

After dinner we thought it would be a fun idea to go see a french film and just try to guess what was going on. Even though Saunders and I know some french, (Saunders more than I do) but neither of us understood a thing and the movie was just not good! We wound up bopping in and out of four or five different movies, all were weird or just confusing. So much for that!
The next morning was my last before I met up with SCAD. We went to Parc des Buttes Chaumont which was so beautiful, it's so pleasant walking through such lush parks right in the middle of the bustling city. A sweet escape for sure. That morning we went into twelve, yes TWELVE different restaurants and cafés before deciding on a place to stay for breakfast. 

After the park and the hunt for breakfast, it was time for me to pack up my things and meet up with the group at our hotel. The weekend with Saunders was so much fun. I'm so grateful that I'm close with my brother, he's a really great travel companion! I look forward to more of our adventures in the future! 

This wraps up part one of my Paris trip! Be on the look out for part two! And check out the vlog ;-) xo