Seeing Spots

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

top- Realisation Par // shoes- Old Navy // pants + glasses- Ladie's Market Hong Kong // socks- Target

Good Morning! Okay wow, so this is my first EVER outfit post in Hong Kong!! It has been a while since I've done an actual outfit post, I feel like lately it's either been school projects or sponsored posts, feels good to be getting back to my roooots.

This past weekend my friends and I were exploring some markets here in Hong Kong. We went to The Ladie's Market, which is basically knock-off heaven. Something that I probably shouldn't be supporting in retrospect, but it was SO fun to bargain, get some stellar knock-offs and be proud of how much money you didn't spend. While there, I got these pants, sunglasses, and a VERY convincing Fajall Raven Kanken backpack which I'm really excited about, I have always wanted one. Also, my new glasses look like Gucci glasses, I'm satisfied.

Don't worry though, I know what you're thinking, "what the heck, you're in Hong Kong and all we get to see is an outfit post with an enticing background?' I know I KNOW... I'm collecting some photos from my first week and such and I will share some more in depth posts about what life is like here. I promise!! Also! Don't forget, you can watch my life evolve here on my YouTube channel!  I will post videos of things from room tours to weekly vlogs there, you won't want to miss out, subscribe! But also don't look past how cute I looked in this spotted outfit yesterday... just sayin'...
We'll talk soon! xo, O


  1. OBSESSED WITH YOU. and this outfit. and those sunnies. and how hong kong suits you. and everything about this. yep okay love.

  2. What kind of camera do you use to take your pictures? Love them!!


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