Wednesday, August 30, 2017

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Hey guys!!! Today I am BEYOND excited to share with you a little glimpse into the wonderful world of Lucie Fink! I remember one morning, checking the Refinery 29 snapchat story as I do every morning, and seeing this shining, smiling face talking about self love, one of my favorite things, I knew I wanted to know more.

I headed to Instagram where I proceeded to throughly, for lack of better words, stalk her and totally fall in love with all things Lucie!! Lucie is one of the the cutest, coolest, bundles of fun in all of New York City. She's inspirational, talented and an all around star.

OKAY enough praising (can you ever really get enough though? probably not) I reached out to Lucie while I was in NYC this past week to do an interview, and although we weren't able to meet up in person, she did take the time to e-answer all my questions, which is pretty much the next best thing, right?! Right. SO, let's get into it!
Olivia: Tell me a little bit about yourself, anything! Where you're from, random facts, favorite color, favorite animal, food, season, you name it! Just give some background as to who you are.
Lucie: My name is Lucie Fink and I am a Video Producer and Lifestyle Host at Refinery. I'm currently 25 years old,  have a twin sister and an older brother, and I love pizza, flamingos, the beach and a good book.

OR: How did you get started with Refinery29?
LF: I got started at Refinery29 by continuing to create contently (mainly stop motion videos and other artistic content) on my personal Instagram account. Refinery29 liked what I was doing, so they hired me to create video content for them. I also had a video reel showing what I was like on camera (clips from my college video series, The Today Show and more), so they knew they wanted to develop me as an on-air talent.
OR: You have a YouTube shoe called "Try Living with Lucie" can you tell me a little bit about that? What inspired you to start exploring so many new things?
LF: I created the concept for TLWL when I was in college. I was thinking of a format for a video series- something that would NEVER run out of new ideas. Try Living with Lucie was perfect because you can never run out of 5-day challenges; there's always going to be something new to experiment with. I have tried more new things in the past could of years (since I started the series) than my entire 23 years of life beforehand. 

OR: What has been your favorite week of TLWL? And if any, what has stuck with you, anything that you've learned how to do TLWL, that you've since then carried with you to your everyday life?
LF: My favorite episode to-date is 5 Days of Facing my Fears. That episode scared me the most of anything else I had shot, and I truly got over my fears (particularly of spiders) after we wrapped. A ton of takeaways from other episodes have stuck with me, as well. For instance, I now drink SO MUCH water after 5 days of Hydration, and 5 Days of Yoga introduced me to the entire world of yoga, which is now such a huge part of my workout routine. 
OR: What is your favorite video you've ever made?
LF: Try Living with Lucie, 5 Days of Street Performing, is one of my favorite videos EVER. It wasn't the best performer on YouTube compared to the other episodes of TLWL (in terms of views or traction), but I had the most fun filming it and was so proud of myself for getting out there. 

OR: You are a radiant spark of energy and life, and from the looks of it, you're living your best life! Can you give some tips on how you stay happy and how to love life?
LF: Spend time with people you care about... people who treat you well. Try your best to remember that life is ONLY about enjoying yourself and having fun. Ever when you're stressed out, remember that what really matters (above all else) is being happy. And you, alone, have the power to make yourself happy.
OR: As an influencer with a predominantly young female audience, do you have any advice for a girl growing up wanting to pursue her dreams? 
LF: Do what you love. don't copy other people, just allow yourself to be inspired by their energy. Create content that makes you feel fulfilled and don't let anyone tell you it's not good. 

OR: What is in the future for Lucie B Fink? 
LF: I am hoping to continue creating content for young women all over the world. I don't know what platform I'll end up on one day, but I hope it's FULLY 360, permeating the world of network & digital, so that everyone has a little access to Lucie :) 

So that wraps it up for the interview!! I hope y'all enjoyed :) 
Thank you so so much to Lucie for taking the time to answer these questions. 
Be sure to give her a follow and check out her videos!!

xo, O 
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Hey Hey Hey!! Today I'm sharing with you my last full day in the city!! So so so sad I know </3
I really with I could stay forever, BUT! Other things await me at home, other trips and other adventures.
Day five started off strong with some delectable waffles with Rosie at a cute french resturant called Momette!
We then decided to go to Dumbo where we road the carousel, because, why not. We got our nails done, walked around a bit and just enjoyed the beautiful day!
Later that day I got together with one of my friends from SCAD, Noah. He's actually from Brooklyn, so he showed me around a little bit too! We ate cookies the size of our faces, and talked about ~*life*~ Unfortunately, Noah isn't returning to SCAD, which I'm super bummed about, but glad I was able to catch up with him before I went back for sure.
I finished off the night spent with one of my besties Elizabeth! She goes to Manhattan College, so naturally we had to get together. I always LOVE time spent with Elizabeth, she truly is a gem. We shared (aka i finished her) avocado toast at an overpriced, yet v cute spot called While We're Young, and then more of the same at a very cool dessert spot called New Territories. Would recommend both of those places to anyone visiting :)


Overall the week was incredible! I wish I could stay longer, heck I wish I could live in the city! One day... until then :) xo, O
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Tuesday, August 29, 2017

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Hello Loves! Day four was a slow, relaxing, yet just as special day. I started a bit later, due to getting home so late and having such a full day the day before! Read on to see what went down in the cityyyy!
So! I started out with lunch at this French restaurant, Jaques Brasserie. And oh mannnn, SO GOOD! Here's the thing that is kind of special about this place too. I found a photo of this mushroom pappardelle a while back, and I actually printed it out and just said, "Ya know what, one day I'm going to sit outside of Jaques Brasserie, I'm going to be wearing a killer outfit, and eating this pasta." And then a few months later, I did just that! I'm absolutely loving life right now you guys, so honestly, if you want something, just go for it!
Right around the corner from Jaques was The Met, I caved and payed the entry fee (tried to really only spend my money on food) because ugh, it's the Met, how can you not? And with the student discount! I had to. I spent a few good hours getting lost in the best way among incredible, breathtaking art. Some that I actually previously learned about in Art History, making them all the more exciting to see in person. And then of course the Comme des Garçons exhibit, oh my wow. All I can say about that is you need to see it in person. I went in knowing nothing and was throughly blown away, and I'd hope the same for y'all. It's amazing.
After The Met I headed to the subway to make it home in time for a little get together that Rosie's friends were having, but of course, on the way I couldn't not stop at a little bakery for a cupcake! 
And then I didn't get any photos or anything of the get together, but it was a lot of fun! Everyone brought their own food and it was somewhat of a potluck dinner, there were sparklers, and plenty of good company. If anything, it really really made me want to live here even more, be out of college living my life in the city, hanging out with all my girlfriends. Ugh sounds amazing, I'm so excited for whatever the future holds!! 

That wraps up day four! As always, a great great day. I really don't want to go home, but my trip is sadly coming to an end. Heartbreaking I know. Just means I'll have to come back sooner I suppose :) Until then xo, O
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Monday, August 28, 2017

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Day three was a truly spectacular day. The best day of this entire trip for sure, I did SO much and loved EVERY second!! Sorry this is belated, after this day I was so incredibly exhausted I just couldn't edit and blog, same with yesterday, so here we are... On day five blogging about day three. But hey, I've just been enjoying myself too much, so that's always a good thing :) Let's get into it!
Started out the day with an incredibly delicious, highly indulgent meal at Two Hands café. Oh my gosh, best. avo. toast. ever. No joke you guys, and you know I've had PLENTY of avocado toast in my day, this was the best avocado toast I've ever had in my entire life. And the same goes for the chai latte, I'm no stranger to a good chai, iced or warm, no matter the café, that's my drink order, and this one did not disappoint.
Of course, had to try some soft serve from Momofuku Milk Bar. I've never had so much cereal flavored ice cream in my life, but since being in New York it seems to be everywhere! Continue reading, you'll see what I mean. But yeah, it was alright! I'll be honest, nothing absolutely show stopping, but good!
After breakfast I met up with my good friend Matt from SCAD. We then went for a second breakfast at The Butcher's Daughter. Okay please keep in mind that this is hours later. Although let's be real, I've been eating nonstop at all hours of the day and I see zero issue with that.
Craving some fun in the sun (lol) Matt and I headed to Coney Island, where we were disappointed by how CRAZY HIGH all the prices are!! Honestly guys, it was so sad, all we wanted to do was to ride the rides and have a good time, but NO! Every ride just had to be like $300 per person! What gives!! Okay but regardless of the rides we did have a good time, don't worry.
To finish off the night, naturally, we had to get ice cream, well that is of course, after stuffing our faces with pizza, I eat really really well y'all. But once again, CEREAL ICE CREAM! We went to Milk & Cream Cereal Bar, and I thought it was really great! Matt was weirded out by the pink cones, but whatever, he's a weirdo.

Anyway!!! That wraps up day three :) Expect day four tomorrow morning. Until then chickadees xo, O
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