Thursday, April 20, 2017

Hello hello everybody! I'm so so excited to share this Savannah Spotlight with you all! Just the other day Cher and I were on an Art History field trip and we walked passed this ADORABLE new coffee shop that actually JUST opened about two weeks ago. If you're from the area or have ever been to Savannah I'm sure you've heard of either Foxy Loxy or Coffee Fox, well they are the owned by the same people, and Henny Penny is their newest addition! So OBVIOUSLY it's delicious! I'll be honest with you here, I think I like Henny Penny the best. I'm not one for the typical cozy dark coffee shop brewski kinda place, so when I saw Henny Penny, having everything Foxy does and more AND being bright and colorful, I was ALL over it! After Cher and I tried it out, we knew we had to show the other gals, so after class today Alli, Cher, Rachel and I all walked to Henny Penny and spent a few hours there! It was fabulous :)
I got the vegan cinnamon roll and a homemade lemonade (not pictured), but the cinnabun was SO delicious! Henny Penny has so many vegan options too, I wanted to try them all, but that just means I have to go back right? All their food is made in house too, which makes it smell divine at all times, and if that's not the best thing ever, I don't know what is...
Not only is Henny Penny an adorable coffee shop, BUT it is 110% kid friendly! In the back they have crafts and little tables for little ones! When we first arrived there were a bunch of cute little kids coloring and having a good time, obviously I didn't take photos of that though, just cause, parents and what not, but like still... it was pretty cute.
And not only not ONLY is Henny Penny a coffee shop meets little kid palace, it's also a little art store! So they sell things made by local artists and crafters! I wish I had more money with me today, I soooo wanted to buy some of the greeting cards, they were all so fun!
Overall, I give Henny Penny a 10/10, I can't wait to go back and actually bring enough money to buy some more gifts and goodies :)

Henny Penny is located on 1514 Bull St, Savannah, GA 31401
open 6 days a week 6:30am-6pm, closed on Sunday

I hope you all check it out for yourselves and love it as much as I do :) let me know if you do go! I'd love to hear what you think! Until next time, xo, O

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