Monday, March 27, 2017

Hello pretty chickies! Congrats on making it through Monday! I love how everyone on social media, and just in life in general loves hating on Mondays. Okay I don't love it necessarily, but I just find it funny how every week when Monday rolls around the whole world is posting things like "Monday already?" or "Monday is almost over!" "Ugh Monday be like: *some dead thing" I don't know, maybe it's just in the blogging community, but I just see a general hate for Monday's on my feed every week. But seriously guys, what's to hate!!?? Monday is the start of a brand new, beautiful week full of opportunities, chances, experiences, and adventures! Side note, I know calendars do it and all, but like if you count Sunday as the first day of the week you need to go, that's just not how it works, I'm sorry but no, Sunday is the end of the week... Anyway, I love Mondays, it's so nice to start fresh and take on whatever challenges and projects the week has in store for me, so hey, let's knock off the Monday hate, here's to Monday, CHEERS TO MONDAY!

Okay enough about Mondays, hahaa.... These two outfits I'm sharing with you today are a part of a lookbook video I shot with my mom while I was back in Richmond a few days ago. Shoutout to the #1 Mama for cooperating with me changing in the car and reshooting and reshooting when my camera didn't want to cooperate either!

As always, black and white patterns will forever be my thing, or at least one my favorite things, so this lookbook is based off of black, white and red! It actually started with an outfit not featured here. I originally wanted just a spring style video, but once I started putting that outfit together they just all came naturally to me and I was so so excited because I fell so in love with these two!
The red dress was actually my PROM dress junior year, lol, go prom... and the crinoline skirt I'm wearing underneath I got to wear to my senior prom but ended up wearing something else and am LOVING wearing the two together! Where was this skirt junior year prom?!?! Also I feel like this outfit is #sobeehive... more on what THAT means soon ;)
Okay okay okay, can you say STATEMENT PANTS?! I'm SO beyond obsessed with these. Gifted to me from my grandma as a hand-me-down, I am SO grateful for her stylish genes (jeans heh) I guess it runs in the family ;) But also can I get some props for creativity on this outfit because not only am I wearing KILLER pants, but my top is actually a dress layered with a lingerie-y top over it tucked into the pants, and my choker is just a piece of ribbon I safety pinned together. So BANG BANG Who's the DIY queen now?! Me clearly.... But basically I'm in total love with this outfit and I can't wait to wear it again and again and AGAIN!
AND THAT'S ALL FOLKS!!! Sending all my Monday love to those of you with the Monday blues! May your week be full of love, laughter, new experiences, friends, family, love and all around good times :) Here's to the best! Xo, O

p.s. peep the curly hair... another current obsession- CURLS!!! Wearing my hair around like this all day was SO much fun. I love mixing it up! What's your favorite hairstyle? 


  1. Calendars in Russia start on Mondays! :) It still throws me off sometimes.

    1. See that makes so much sense to me!!! We should all just move to Russia!


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