Thursday, March 3, 2016

jeans and sunnies- Forever 21 // shoes- ShoeMint //

Hey Kiddies! How sick is this top? I know I've warn it before, but like, how can I not rewear this? Also... wanna know a secret? it's not even a top... it's a skirt. CRAZY RIGHT?! Got you guys!! Mwahahaha! I'm such a trickster. And with these bell bottom jeans?! KILLER! Or at least I'm in love with it! What do y'all think?

Ya know how in my last post I was all, "OMG LIFE IS SO GREAT WHAT COULD GO WRONG?!" Of course it was too good to be true, because my computer broke! Just up and broke on me! Goodbye forever Kanye For Pres sticker, and hello clunky loaner computer that doesn't have my editing applications. Turn down for iPhoto editing. Also another turn down about this computer I'm using for the two weeks? It doesn't play sound... And the headphone jack is nothing but jacked up... I have a video to edit but I guess y'all will have to hold your horses on that one. Cause I know you were just dying to see more videos from me! Like seriously guys! Calm Down!! I get it! I KNOW I'm your favorite Youtuber but like you can't just expect me to post my videos alllll the timmmeee, those videos that I know you think are just so amazing, jaw dropping, award winning, with grade A cinematography... but like.......... just be patient please.

Wellp, that's pretty much it. You guys hungry? Go check out www.jo-ya.blogspot.com for some goooooood vegan food! xo!
And here's a photo that perfectly depicts my mood lately^ 

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