I'm At Camp! Pt 2 - It's All Greeeen...

Saturday, June 28, 2014

 Besides the fact that in this outfit that is clearly green... if you are a photographer and love natural light, but hate the color green, I'm sorry, but Spring and Summer must really stink for you... Looking though my photos, I love being surrounded by the lush green of the outdoors, I find it to be so special and beautiful. Plus I feel as though I need to take advantage of it before winter rolls around and everything is brown and grey, cold and yucky, blehh. I just really really love Spring and Summer I guess :) Thanks Mother Nature!!
 purp ;)
shirt - Target // skirt - Forever 21 // earrings - Charming Charlie's // shoes - Burlington
Tucker is so photogenic, whenever I am taking photos in the yard he always  with out a doubt tries to get in... I love him, what a sweetheart. Can't wait to see him when I get home! xoxolivia

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