Saunders Graduated!!!

Friday, May 23, 2014

 My amazing brother Saunders graduated high school today!! It was so so exciting, yet so bitter sweet; I am going to miss him like crazy. As of this September I will officially be an only child around the house.. :( 
Ders had a great four years of high school, not only did he graduate with an A+, high honors grade average, but he also received a huge art award! And that's only the beginning of his many achievements...
 Here he is getting his lil deploma :) 
(sorry these pics are unfortunately a wee bit blurry...)
 After the graduation there was a little lunch get together for Saunders and all his friends and their families. It was really nice, I met a lot of new people. The weather was beautiful, so it was perfect to sit outside for some socializing, eats, and but of course... loads of photos... ;)
 This is my grandma, Mimi <3
 all of the flower arrangements on the tables had the graduates photos stuck in them... haha
 bathroom selfies (duh...)
 That's my uncle (my mom's brother) he is super funny and really cool. He came all the way from Portland to see Saunders graduate :)
 I feel like people always steal my hats... lol
the fam :)
Congratulations Saunders, I know you're going to just kill it at Penn State xo

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