A Day In Charlottesville With Elizabeth

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Yesterday, Friday, Elizabeth and I drove down to Charlottesville for a day trip of some shopping and good food! It was so much fun, however it would have been more fun say if the weather weren't so chilly (thanks to you mother nature...) But being with Elizabeth and enjoying the last few days of Spring Break made me able to forget about the weather and have a splendid time :)
One can only take so many mirror selfies..... 
I love short day trips to new places like yesterday. I had never been to Charlottesville and had a great time, I'm sure it's just divine in the spring and summer time! xoxolivia.

1 comment:

  1. The Charlottesville Downtown Mall is one of my most favorite places in the world!! :) My mom works at Lexis Nexis (At the very end of the mall) and we frequent there for concerts at the nTelos Pavilion! My brother also has his first MMA fight on the 29th at the Ice Skating Rink on the other end of the mall! :)


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