Here's To Valentine's Day Eve

Thursday, February 13, 2014

As you all know tomorrow is Valentine's Day. Today I spent the morning making Valentine's for my friends and classmates! No that doesn't stop in 6th grade, I love valentine cards more than anything. Valentine's day used to be my favorite holiday, but then I kinda grew up and realized it was all about being "in love" and "couples" and stuff, stuff that I'm not involved in (sighhh) So I guess you could say I'm not as into it as I used to be when all that revolved around it was pink sugar cookies and "to: from:" glittery pre-made cards with characters from tv shows on them. 
But with all this snow I think we wont have school again tomorrow, so that means no celebrations! Ugh! Hey who knows, maybe some hunky guy will throw rocks at my window, and sweep me off my feet in this wintery wonderland polar vortex... we'd eat delicious food, dance to romantic music under the frosty moonlight, hand in hand fitting perfectly because we are just meant for each other........... aaaaaannnnndddd I'm getting ahead of my self. You get the point, I'm stuck in love and I just can't hide it! Ha, no. xoxolivia. 

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