Monday, July 29, 2013

Let's play a game, it's called... "Where oh where has Olivia been?!" Well I've been at camp for the past month and I hope all of you lovely readers are still here... Because I'm back! 

^that's my cabin :) missing all these ladies already :'(

Camp was fabulous, I had such a fantastic time, but I'm glad to be back. This year was weird because my best friend Skylar didn't return, but I made a lot of new friends and had others to return too! I was in a cabin called "Buckingham Palace" it was perfect because that was just the cabin I wanted to be in! I became best friends with everyone in the cabin and I even got into a secret society called the 'FF' but sssshhhh that's a secret (hahaha ohh cabin jokes) 

Lexi and I striking the 'FF' pose
Lexi and I were never really friends before we were in a cabin together his year, I'm so glad we were together because Lexi and I really got to know each other and became great friends :) 

I'm going to show a few photos that were highlights of camp and just fun parts of camp! I took over 1000 photos so I don't want to bombard you with picture overload. Also note that I am currently on my dads iPhone posting this, in the car on the way home from camp so please brace yourself for blurry photos... I will update them once I get home, relax and edit :)

I miss all my Buckinghamers who always make me laugh and know how to rock out to "Who Let The Dogs Out"...

I miss the traditions that keep girl working hard to strive towards achieving goals and accomplishing what they love...

I miss fooling around in big boxes and being the children we are...

I miss "110 in the Shade" that amazing musical that we somehow pulled off in 5 weeks. #teamfileforthewin...

I miss reading books and swinging time by in our 700-pound-holding-hammock...

I miss lighting up the rainbow the way we did...

I miss the sixth of July, because the fourth was too rainy to celebrate...

I miss being hoodlums and passing the point and skinny dipping in the waterfall that time we went camping...

I miss going to a place where everyone loves camp so much... I also miss cliché photos like this one :3...

I miss Soph and Curt, our laughs, snuggle times, and deep conversations into the wee hours of the morn'...

I miss my place in castle where being dramatic and referencing "Newsies" was absolutely acceptable...

I miss the sister relationships you only have at camp with girls you've come to know every summer...

I admit it... I miss the rain... Those two weeks of sunshine were nice, but the three weeks on endless rain really made for a great muddy time...

But most of all...
I miss Camp Merrie-Woode. Waking up and looking up to Old Bald, breathing In The fresh air as it rolled along the lake In The mist. 

See you next year my beloved place of rarest beauty.

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