Easter, Spring, Sunshine, Daffodils, SLOW DOWN 2013!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

I realize that Easter was on Sunday and I am two days late, but better late then never!
Happy Easter everyone! (Well if you celebrate it that is... if not Happy Spring!)
Every year like most Easter families, my brother and I set out baskets for the Easter Bunny the night before. Well... we woke up and turns out it was a very rainy night. But hey, rain makes for cool easter egg shots :) 

I can proudly say that I ate my entire baskets worth of candy that morning. No regrets, it was so delicious. Although I do wish that I had some of that candy now.

In the Ruffin household, we like to celebrate holiday's as much as we can, I guess you could say that... So we had our Easter Dinner tonight, on Tuesday. Yeah, we are pretty cool, face it you're jealous. 

And a vegan dinner of course!

Yum! It was absolutely delicious! 

We also like giving presents, 
I got my mom a spa trip and cupcake date with me 
I made my dad a mosaic for his new office
and for Saunders I made dinner reservations for Friday and bought him a record and frozen yogurt!
Emma, just you wait, I've got something for you too don't worry ;)

Love you Mimi! 

One of a Kind!

Mama got me a new watch, thank goodness, after all those times never knowing when Physics was supposed to end...

She also got me a wooden egg with my nicknames engraved into it, so sweet I love it so much and will keep it forever

Happy Easter!
I hope everyone has a great week, and just to make it even better, a little something to make you smile:

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