A Therapeutic View Of China Town from Coit Tower

Friday, January 4, 2013

First of all sorry I haven’t blogged in a couple of days just because things have been a bit crazy for me because I have been sick! Bedridden! Absolutely dreadful, but I’m better now, kind of. Alright... 

On Monday the 31st (New Year’s Eve!) we went to a place called “China Town” you have most likely heard of it, lots of big cities have a China Town tear. The first part was all tourist haven! San Francisco stuff everywhere, like everywhere. But once you got into it the tourist junk vanished, not really… It was all fun and games until you eat bad Chinese food, now this doesn’t happen to just anyone, but always to me. And you are wondering why I haven’t blogged in a few days? Yeah, right. It was the worst feeling ever, started with and ear ache, then throwing up then migraines, yeah so I am never eating Chinese food ever ever again. Unless it is Mai Wu who is cooking it. So much walking, so many smells, smokers, dirty, some things that I don’t particularly like too much. But it was fun all together, I mean hey I got some post cards and my name written in Chinese so woo. And a really old guy who forced me to love him and call him ‘Uncle’ gave me dating advice! Yeah, he was a freak, extremely uncomfortable.

While on a long walking journey, up and down the treacherously steep hills of San Fran, we came across the “Coit Tower” we had to wait in a long line, and then take an elevator up to the top, but it was awesome!  Took tons of pictures, so fun. The view from the top is absolutely beautiful and alluring.

The moment when I started feeling sick, we went thrifty! We went to a quirky store called “Therapy” so many different things but retro, fun and funky. There were items from clothes, shoes and accessories to magnets, clocks, pitchers, and radios. Similar to Mongrol (sp?) in Cary Town, Richmond, just a lot more girly. I got a book {coloring book}, guilty, one is NEVER too old for a good coloring book, I mean really. And some bracelets for a friend back home. We had the same ones, but then they broke so I thought it be cute if I got a replacement one. Through all the fun shopping, the time after “Therapy” {this is ironic} I got really sick.

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