Thursday, December 7, 2017

Hello Angeles! SO much has happened in my life since my last post on here, and of course it was just a gift guide hahaa... nothing personal, but still, since then a lot has changed!

For starters, I'm officially blonde, and not only blonde, but platinum and I LOVE it!! Love, love, LOVE it!!! At long last too, I've wanted to go platinum for a lifetime, I'm so glad I'm now able to!

Okay but other than hair, I now have a job, which has kept me very, very busy. I work in a pop-up shop for the holidays called Made. It is in Carytown, so if you live in RVA it's your one stop shop this holiday season for all your gifty needs!

Most importantly though, I just spent this past weekend in Los Angeles! What?! I know. How'd that happen? Well..... I went for the Teen Vogue Summit, which was INCREDIBLE, but more on that later!!!

I arrived in LA two days early, giving me a full day of fun prior to the summit. I stayed with my friend from SCAD, Chris. Chris, his brother and I spent our fun day by the beach! We went to Venice Beach and the Santa Monica Pier. It was really quite fun, lots of colors, people trying to sell you mixtapes, and PLENTY of roller skaters... plenty of them. Here are some of my photos from the day!!
We went to a spot called "Eggslut" for lunch, I'm not a fan of the name, however I am a fan of their salads, yes please.
THE ICONIC LIFEGUARD STAND!! I couldn't help but jump for joy when I saw this... Also while there, we ran into some other blogger/insta gals doing a lil photoshoot, the photographer was taking photos of cool girls in these turbans that her friend is launching the line of very soon! She asked if she could take some photos of me wearing a few as well, which was of course a yes! It was super cool, so who knows, my head in a turban may be famous one day!! YES!
LA was in full bloom, which was sort of crazy to see flowers everywhere, but at the same time I suppose that's normal for LA this time of year, STILL!
Next we headed to the Santa Monica pier, which is actually quite close, we did drive however from Venice Beach, BUT! It is close enough to walk for sure. Although we didn't ride any rides, the pier was a lot of fun, besides the incredible sunset, everything on the pier was full of fun and color! So much SPUNK! My kind of place!
My trip to LA flew by in the blink of an eye, I can't wait to share my experience at the summit with you all (soon I promise! Stay tuned, you won't want to miss it!) But I did really enjoy doing the touristy LA things, there is seriously SO MUCH to do, LA is massive, I'll have to go back to take it all in! Whenever that is I do not know, but can't wait! Until then... xo, O

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