Monday, July 11, 2016

HEY GUYS!! Sorry it's been so long, but the wifi at my house is pretty much nonexistent and I don't have all the money in the world to continue to buy soy chi lattes from Starbucks so I can hog their wifi either... But I'm here now! Anyway, last week I had my summer student orientation for SCAD, and OMG, let me tell you, it was SOO MUCH FUN! I am so SO freaking excited for school to start. Only 60 days! (which is soooo long, most of my friends start school in early or mid August, and I'm just here chillin with two more months at home... ugh) Okay well let's get started:
This is our student center! It is an old mosque which has been swanked up to be all SCAD-y, hence the cool color changing ceiling... SO cool! We had a karaoke night in here.
We also went to the beach! Luckily SCAD is only 20 minutes from the beach, which is SO nice oh my gosh. I <3 Tybee!! Also these are some of the friends I made while I was there! We are all fashion majors which is exciting so I know we will stay in touch :)
Then the next day, once orientation was over, the whole fam went to my FAVE breakfast place in Savannah (so far at least) Collins Quarter. SOOO YUMMY! Just scope that avo toast *heart eyes heart eyes*
Peep the new sticker
Overall, the short trip just reminded me of how much I love my school and how excited I am to get started in the fall. I feel like SCAD is honestly the best place for me, the only place for me! I can't wait to dive into the wonderful world of art school!!!!!!! xoxo

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