Thursday, May 19, 2016

HELLO!! Wow, I know, what you're thinking... "Olivia?! Is it really you? Can it really be you?! You're ALIVE?! Well yes, despite the lack of posts, like, ever I'M HERE! SO! Yesterday was senior day, which is basically the day that marks the end of the year for seniors. No one really goes to classes, and everyone celebrates on the portico all day long! Here are some of my photos from the day :)
Above is a photo of my entire grade lookin fly as heck in our college T-shirts! Can you spot me ;) ?
Underclassmen still have two weeks of classes and exams and what not but we graduate next weekend. It's so weird to think that the year is already over, that high school is already over! People say it flies by, but it honestly feels just like yesterday when little freshman Olivia was making music videos with Ally in the Learning Center, or sophomore year squad was being fully formed. But the fact that it's done?! It's all DONE?! Crazy.
Man oh man am I going to miss Aronhalt advisory. My advisor, Dean Aronhalt (she's also the Dean of Students, she's kind of a big deal) is literally the most incredible woman ever, I don't know how I'd survive high school without her!
Here are all the "Art Scholar Seniors", we are all either going to an art school or to school to study some form of art. 
Can't wait to kick it at SCAD with Sophie next year!!! :)
Our theme was "Gone Fish1n6" (get it? 16, because class of 2016) so we all wore bucket hats and fishing gear. Our awesome class pres and vp Caroline and Bridget made us these "Ba1t 6oxes" full of gummy worms, Swedish fish and other "fish food" How cute are they?!
And that's a wrap! To all my 2016 ladies, I love you so so much, thank you for being the best class ever, I couldn't imagine graduating with anyone else. I love all my beautiful sisters so so much <3

(brb crying)

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