Holiday Party Look!!

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Hey guys!! Seeing as it is that time of year when you probably find yourself getting dressed up and going out more often than not, I thought I'd share with you my go-to holiday look :)

It's actually pretty simple. I LOVE makeup, but for me I think that less is usually more. So, with that in mind I just went with a gold eye and double winged eyeliner with a bold bright red lip. Typically during any other season my nails will be black, but I LOVE having them sparkly red!! They're so cute and festive! As for my hair I just threw it up in a somewhat messy top knot cause, why knot... haaaaa ha see what I did three...? lol

And yeah that's pretty much it! Also I'm wearing this dress. It's a transformer dress wish is practically magic, check out their website to see all the different styles!! I HIGHLY recommend getting one of these. I already have a couple :-0

Hope y'all have a good holiday season! I've got a Christmas DIY coming soon!!! <3 <3 xo

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