
Sunday, March 22, 2015

Remember when not too long ago I said that I would make a post of all my fave hotties and number one loves? Well yeah, I did, and here it is!!

Okayyyy... Let's start off with the classic babe, Leo. I mean... duh. I just got a phone case with the photo above on it and I'm in love. He is forever my one and only true love, no matter how long his beard gets... I love him now, then and forever!
Cole Sprouse. Okay I know this photo is sort of old, but honestly trying to find a photo was kinda hard. If you follow him on instagram and or tumblr you'd know is hillarious! And adorable none the less. Remember when he was just little Cody and a total nug?! Look at him now! Swooooooon.
Ezra Miller is a total looker, man oh man. He's got the hair, the jaw line, the lips, he's winning in the game of lookin fly. I actually have this photo printed on my wall next to my bed.
Ansellllll. My mom and I both love lil Ansel Elgort. He is just SO fine! haha but no kidding, he's been the background on my phone for like... a month.. and that's long! I normally change it just about every other day! Oh and not to mention... it's a shirtless pic ;) And the photo above is on my bathroom door hehehe
 Lucky Blueeeeee. Whata babee. I love Lucky Blue, he's such a cutie and a total hottie mwahaha
And then of course... Harry Styles, duh.

1 comment:

  1. all of these photos are...AMAZING. it's making me wanna kiss each and every one of them (as if i even could) you definitely have good taste. i love how you chose cole instead of dylan! i always see the two of them around campus. i go to new york university and they're in the same college at nyu as me (well at least dylan is) i personally think dylan's a lot more attractive but cole is cute too :) he wears a LOT of rings & he's part of the anthro club, which you probably already know haha
    anyways, can't wait to see more of your blog, olivia!


    ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ Creme de la Chic ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡

    Hope you're having a beautiful day! xx


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