Guest Posting From Lily of The Imperfect Idealist!!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

(hi guys, sorry this was supposed to be posted saturday, but I was all caught up in NYC and forgot! shame on me! but here's Lily all the same! <3)

Hey guys! I'm Lily, from the blog Imperfect Idealist, and I'm excited to be swapping guest posts with Olivia today. I noticed on her Lookbook that she describes herself as a "pro-sequin obsessor" and expresses her affinity for cats, so I compiled my favorite past sequin and cat pattern looks just for this post. The final photo is also a sneak peek of an outfit post set for tomorrow on my blog, involving both cats and sequins. Come pay me a visit sometime, won't you? Now for some Q&A:
Some style-related questions:
1. Describe your style and the story behind your blog.
In three words, my style is colorful, frugal, and versatile. I create each outfit with a color scheme in mind, rarely purchase any clothing over $20, and experiment with trends but still stay true to my bohemian roots. I began blogging as a middle schooler because I became absolutely entranced by the stunning photos and outfits peppered across the web--it seemed so fun! Originally, my blog was named Burst of Color, since my looks were often brightly-colored and my focus was more fashion-centered. Since then, I've learned to appreciate neutrals, such as cognac and and cream, and my message has shifted from solely fashion to more personal reflections. Earlier this year, I renamed my blog Imperfect Idealist to reflect this shift in both style and theme.
2. Who or what inspires your style?
In a backwards way, my mom influences my wardrobe. She loves shopping just as much as I do (maybe even more) and whenever she brings home an item that piques my interest, I snag it immediately. In the photo above, both the sweater and the boots are hers! I'm pretty lucky that she doesn't mind items disappearing from her closet every now and then. I'm worried about what I'll do when I leave for college and don't have her wardrobe to pilfer from anymore. I guess I'll just have to take it all with me!
More personal questions:
3. What is your theme song and why?
I'm absolutely enamored by Sara Bareilles' Chasing the Sun. You've probably heard of her most popular song, Brave, from her recent album The Blessed Unrest. I love how she creates songs not centered around the conventional. I found it really touching how she wrote Brave for her gay friend who was struggling to come out. But even better: it shares the universal message of speaking up and acting, even if you're afraid. Your internal demons could be unspoken feelings, a risk you've shyed away from, self-doubt, insecurity, an untaken opportunity--the song can apply to everyone.  I absolutely adore such versatile and inspiring messages. Oh, it looks like I spent my entire time selling Brave to you haha. But Chasing the Sun is more of my theme song since it desribes my approach to life--always pursuing my dreams with vigor.
4. What is something you wish you could invent?
I would totally love clothes, shoes, and accessories that could change color with the touch of a button or something. I have many items that I love since they're so comfortable, but they sometimes don't match a look. With this innovation, your favorite bag or pair of shoes would always match your outfit!
I hope you enjoyed my first guest post as much as I loved putting this together. Thanks again to Olivia for inviting me to post and for always being so cute! I wish you all a wonderful Saturday (Caturday, haha)!
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  1. Aww Lily, I love this post! I just downloaded this Sara Bareilles song because it sounds so good! Love how you answered these questions and such cute outfits! I borrow from my mom a lot too, although she minds a little. Olivia- I love your blog! And I'm glad I found it through this guest post thing haha!


  2. Brave is a lovely song and right now it's also one of the songs I listen to when driving my car. I didn't know the story behind it though :) oh and this invention sounds like something that needs a little magic. I remember the girls in Secret Circle did something like that with their prom dresses ;) anyway, it was a lovely post and all the photos are gorgeous. I remember some of those looks but some were completely new to me. it was a great selection :)

    Maikeni blogi - part of me


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